Does your mother know you talk like that? Photo: LA Times Blog
I just have to share with you a “discussion” thread I participated in on Facebook. It really demonstrates the

intellectual challenge we have in putting this country back on the right track.
The names have been removed, to protect the participants. I can’t in good conscience refer to them as innocent.
For those keeping score, Me is… me!
TH is woman in Los Angeles who’s a big news watcher, loves makeover shows, loves animal planet, discovery, stuff like that according to her profile. And from her picture, she does look… big.
RL is a woman from North Dakota. She hides her profile, but she does have that kind of Marilyn Quale look.
EM is a young man from Orange County with more mouth than sense. He, too, hides his profile. His photo looks like Clyde Barrow, looking over his shoulder at the cops pursuing his car.
DB, on whose profile page this appeared, is a man living in Los Angeles who actually works for a media company. He advertises that he’s not PC. I’m disappointed he didn’t have more to say, or more positive things to say. But he didn’t.
The discussion was sparked by a Glenn Beck video about Pres. Obama introducing socialism to the nation.
Like I’ve been saying for years…one syringe at a time! Only those who are capitalist can see it, for those who are already socialist…dont care to see it.RL
trust me ..The liberals DO NOT GET IT.exactly, liberals do not uderstand the fundamentals of socialism.
Glenn Beck is a tool. :~)Outside of Ollie North, which one of these conservo-pundits has actually SERVED his country? And in North’s case, I think there are some ethical issues (Iran Contra, for example. They don’t say much about that at the Ronald Reagan Museum).
See what an American serviceman had to say to Mr. Beck after one of his more vitriolic tirades about Ron Paul… http://www.truthnews.us/?p=862
I particularly loved the part when this decorated Marine – that’s his own description, not mine – pointed out to Beck that “Seeing as we are both forty-three I think it’s safe to say that while I was serving my country, you were much more busy becoming a drug addict and practicing to become an alcoholic, correct?
Fox News is ENTERTAINMENT mislabeled as news, folks. Treat it as such.
-Does anyone know what the Financial Interest and Syndication Rules were?
– Can anyone describe the transforming role of the FCC in the wake of their removal
– Does anyone know how the repeal of those regulations have changed and reshaped the media that you see, particularly in the news arena?
– Have any of you viewed news about Iraq and Afghanistan, about the fiscal meltdown, from any news source other than Fox, and perhaps even from outside of this country?
– Do you just assume that anything on Fox is gospel and Al Jazeera is incapable of delivering a weather report that is truthful?
– Is there a reason we can no longer see images of our military dead when they are received in Dover, DE?
– Is there a reason reporters must be embedded with troops that they cover, like escorted, censored reporters in the Peoples Republic of China?Just curious.
From the Journal Science, researchers from Virginia, Nebraska and Texas. Liberals…www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/321/5896/1667
Political views have been thought to arise largely from individuals’ experiences, recent research suggests that they may have a biological basis. In a group of 46 adult participants with strong political beliefs, individuals with measurably lower physical sensitivities to sudden noises and threatening visual images were more likely to support foreign aid, liberal immigration policies, pacifism, and gun control, whereas individuals displaying measurably higher physiological reactions to those same stimuli were more likely to favor defense spending, capital punishment, patriotism, and the Iraq War. Thus, the degree to which individuals are physiologically responsive to threat appears to indicate the degree to which they advocate policies….
I suspect the RNC is aware of this, since their political advertising makes great use of fear, shock
That sounds like a self-justifying argument based on circular reasoning. Why don’t you set out to prove that, using an exotic tool called… logic.Did you know the world isn’t flat? And the Journal Science, unlike Fox, doesn’t usually print unsubstantiated bullsh-t?
Your comments about my liking to get off on watching dead soldiers and spit on them are embarrassing and insulting. I grew up in the military. I went to the Air Force Academy with my father, who was a liaison officer. I stood in the draft for the Vietnam war. I didn’t serve, because by then it was clear it was a meatgrinder that wouldn’t be won.
You stated “most liberals are not embarassed by their ignorance…”
Actually, yes we are, and we strive to remedy it; but we’re more embarrassed by yours, because when you inevitably flout it, it reinforces the image of the ignorant, arrogant American.
DB, TH, RL this is one of yours. Does he make your heart swell with pride? I’m done.
Be nice to liberals.
Yes he is right. Lets be logical about this whole thing. Lets examine this frustrating thing called liberalism.
They drink the Kool Aid and they believe. It’s not there fault they are like this. It’s all in the DNA and early brain development.We do now this about liberals. Most were bottle-fed, not breastfed. Ahhhhh poor things.
They got ripped off right from the start. Now they want to rip us off subconsciously.
They don’t even realize what they do and why they do it?
Early childhood nutrition is VERY IMPORTANT for normal brain health.
We also know many of them were heavy pot smokers, acid dropping hippies from the 60’s? The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Then we find they were over vaccinated. Ahhhh
.I’m guessing there was a high incidence of their Mothers using strong drugs during childbirth to ease pain too. Thus resulting in a phenomenon we now see as LIBERALISM. The problem is the DNA damage gets passed on thru the genes??
Clearly, I was mistaken and the job of putting this country back on track after 8 years of Bush is going to be tough. That’s no reason not to take on the job. It’s a task worth tackling.
What’s more disturbing is the level of malice, hatred, disdain and disgust these “conservatives” have for anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Their tendency to ignore issues and arguments, and just go for the groin. If a dog behaved like that, Animal Control would probably euthanize them. Here, in this great country, they get to vote.
There’s no self-examination, no question of whether the other person might have a valid point. There’s no doubt and no curiosity. That’s frightening, particularly when you consider we had one of those for the last 8 years with a nuclear football within reach. That’s almost as scary as a terrorist with a suitcase bomb.
I have friends who are conservatives, military, law enforcement, and we’re capable of reasonable discourse. They’re smart, decent people, and I think they percieve me in the same way. We can argue, disagree and not even think of stooping to personal attack or derogatory language. We accept our differences and let it go. With respect, and affection.
Maybe it is the Internet. This is social media. It’s sort of like booze or grass: you get braver or less inhibited. At least I hope that’s what it is. But I have a sneaking suspicion these people would be pretty much like that if I met them face to face. Just as mean-spirited and lacking in self-awareness as they were online.
All I know is that if I ever meet EM, one of us better have a great dental plan.
May the Higher Power of your choice gird your loins for the battles ahead. They’re clearly going to be doozies.
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